Easy to Use
Using Perfect Cup is really easy. You just need to choose one of your favorite menstrual cup’s technique to make the application and usage completely natural for you.
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Zero waste set without paper packaging
We are 100% European Company. All product components (silicone cup, pouch, manual instruction, packaging) are designed, manufactured and packaged in Europe.
One-to-three day express shipping service. Delivery by UPS Worldwide Express® Shipping
Perfect Cup Menstrual Cup is an innovative solution that makes you feel more comfortable and gives you
the best period protection. Since they are reusable, menstrual cups not only help you to save a lot on
monthly expenses to tampons and pads, but also help to save environment by reducing hygienic waste.
One Little Cup – Maximum Protection.
Perfect Cup is produced of high-grade medical silicone Silpuran. Unlike traditional hygiene products,
Perfect Cup menstrual cup does not irritate the vaginal mucosa or cause any dryness. Perfect Cup is free
of any potentially harmful chemicals, BPA, latex and therefore completely safe.
Flexible, Ergonomic, Neutral, Comfortable. Perfect Cup menstrual cup protects you and can be worn
continuously for up to 12 hours * before emptying it.
Using Perfect Cup is really easy. You just need to choose one of your favorite menstrual cup’s technique to make the application and usage completely natural for you.
You will not feel the cup when you insert it correctly. The cup or your period will no longer limit you in any way.
Every time you empty your cup, you might clean & rinse it properly. Also cleaning and Perfect between periods makes it safe and hygienic. Therefore menstrual cup is completely safe for your health & body.
As a company, we do take care of woman’s health and comfort, but animal well-being is important to us as well, so the Perfect Cup menstrual cup is manufactured without any animal derived substances and without any animal by-products.
Perfect Cup menstrual cup hold your menstrual fluid 4-6 times more than a single tampon or pad Therefore, despite your activity or time, you can wear your Perfect Cup up to 12 h at a time. *
* Perfect Cup can be safely worn upmaximum 12 hours at a time. We do recommend to empty it every 4-8 hours to keep it safe for your health and body.
Perfect Cup offers three sizes of menstrual cups – S size, M size and L size. The selection of the correct size depends on your height, physique and individual preferences. Another factor to consider is your menstrual flow intensity, pelvic floor muscles strength and whether you gave natural birth or not.
Perfect Cup Menstrual Cup – Fully Comfortable, Completely Safe. Produced of high grade medical silicone does not irritate vaginal mucosa. Want safe and comfortable periods? Perfect Cup is the best choice!
This site is only an information about menstrual cups and it’s usage. Any doubt regarding the usage of the Perfect Cup should be consulted with a doctor or other professional medical specialist.