Perfect Cup

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Pedidos y Cooperación:

[email protected]

El uso de la copa:

[email protected]

Perfect Cup sp. z o. o.

32-060 Cholerzyn 467

Regon: 381598315

Nip: 9442261624

KRS: 0000753841

    We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.

    We do apologize tampon and sanitary pads manufacturers for that we are changing the World for the better.

    Every third buying woman decided for the ZERO WASTE version, THANK YOU! ♥

    59 women is making a decision to buy a menstrual cup right now.

    We reduced environmental impact of tampon and pads production, 29 632 less plastic waste of used pads and tampons last month.

    Women, who decided to use Perfect Cup, saved 5 787 EUR last month.